TASC Story

It started with a desire to help a friend.

Total Administrative Services Corporation (TASC) was founded on a simple belief: regular people should be able to receive the same tax advantages as large corporations.

In the process, we brought simplicity to one of the most complicated systems in the world: the US tax code. The solution worked so well, that we continued to invent products that transformed the lives of farmers and other entrepreneurs, their families, and their communities.

And we’re still in the life-changing business for employers of all sizes, in all markets, today. 

After more than 45 years in the benefits administration industry, our conviction is stronger than ever. We’ve discovered a new way to remove complexity, a new way to help Americans pay less tax and invest more in their health and prosperity.

We are committed to understanding our clients’ needs and ambitions and will configure a solution, whether they have one employee or one million. Because when Americans have more money to spend, when they invest in their health, when they have the tools to support their families, when they give back to their communities, when they save and grow, we all benefit.

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